// Accessing EXT4 on a mac (using virtualbox)
raspberry pi

Accessing EXT4 on a mac (using virtualbox)

some excerpt

Long story short, I needed access to my RPi files after I wasn’t able to access them anymore. Those files were stored on an ext4 partition on my SD card, and my mac doesn’t read them.

If that is what you’re looking for, congratulations! I hope this post will solve things for you, since I had to do this!

And if you’re like me, don’t simply chmod your /etc directory. A reminder for myself.

The solution at hand:

Step 1: Run a Virtualbox with Ubuntu (live cd) on Your Mac

Step 2: Mount Your SD Card into Your Virtualbox

To keep things simple for now, read this post:


I’ll update this post as soon as I have time, I want to make sure you’re finding what you need here.

This is a WIP
Content is never static, I'll create, read, update and delete whenever I think that makes sense.

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